And Historical Buildings and Museum Artifacts (CCAHBMA) مركز صيانة الاثار والمباني التاريخية ومقتنيات المتاحف - بكلية الآثار جامعة القاهرة
Organic materials such as paintings, textiles, paper and wood etc., are considered to be among the most vulnerable materials to deterioration.
Inorganic materials such as metals, siliceous and related materials are susceptible to decay and weathering. CCAHBMA offers conservation and preservation treatments for all these types and for other composite materials.
CCAHBMA can organize complete conservation projects for archaeological and historical buildings of both national and international cultural heritage.
Among the services that CCAHBMA can offer are the analysis and documentation of all types of objects and materials. these are offered fully interpreted and investigated.
CCAHBMA offers documentation, care, exhibition and conservation of all types of museum objects.
This research deals with conservation and preservation of 35 parchment documents belong to the central library of Alexandria university most of them data back to 15th -17th Century. They Consist of Marriage, ownership and wills contracts . Many of them are characterized by containing stamps, and they take the shape of parcel through bands of parchment. They were written in old English, Latin and French.
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